Sorry! Updating! So this is going to be backwards in time, so first is gonna be stuff from Barcelona since that was last weekend, and then gradually moving backwards. Most of these are Sarah's because I'm generally lazy about bringing my camera places when I know other people will. This is one of the houses Gaudí (famous architect) designed that Sarah, Debra, and myself went into. It was just the three of us on the trip to Barcelona, so yeah.

Here's another photo of some Gaudí stuff that we saw in another part of the city:

Me on the biggest park bench in the world. By Gaudí. Also, here's a mammoth we found while walking around a different park:

While we were in Barcelona, we took a trip up t Montserrat, which is a monastary on top of these huge mountains about an hour outside of the city by train. No pictures do justice to just how high up it is and how unbelieveably scary the cable car ride up is.

As you can see behind Sarah, we were quite far up. The monastery was pretty, and small. It was a good day trip.
SO! Before Barcelona, we went to Lagos one weekend. Lagos is a beach town on Portugal, it's absolutely beautiful. We left on a bus from Sevilla around 6am, you can tell how happy about this I was from the photo:

After the six hour bus ride, we finally got there. Our hostel was awesome, they actually gave us towels and relatively clean sheets and stuff. Hosts were nice and breakfast was free! Yayy.

This is what the beaches looked like there, you can kinda see the caves in the cliff in the water, we swam through two or three of them, they lead to prettier and more hidden beaches. Absolutely awesome. Before that we made a trip to Gibraltar, here's a picture of me and some people on top of the end of europe:

They had thieving monkeys on top of the rock. They will harass you until you give them your food.

Monkey with stolen food. They're tricksy. While on this trip, we were staying in a small town called Rincon de la Victoria. Off of the beach where we were staying, there was a collection of rocks. No one could very accurately guess how far out it was, but we all swam out there:

Note: the person on the far left was some random older Italian guy that happened to be out on the rocks at the same time. Also, while swimming back, two of the girls on our program got stung by Jelly Fish. Ok, this is as much as I'm going to update today, it's sleep time now. This upcoming weekend is Halloween! Get excited!