Monday, September 1, 2008


Hello! As promised, I have pictures of my living space to put up. This is my roommate in my room, mine's the bed on the right with the blankets all askew and stuff thrown on it.

This is my bathroom...pretty cool. And very large.

...And this is the view out on my balcony. There's the river, el Guadalquivir, and some sort of embassy across the way. On the left you can see one of the towers of the Plaza de EspaƱa. I'll put up some pictures of that later, it's huge. These photos are all from my camera, too! Yay. Time for my first class now, I'll update later!


Anonymous said...

i love the little dolls in the bathroom. teehee :D

Sarah said...

you would think differently, I think, if you saw them up close. I'll take a closer picture of them later on. They're a little weird.